Social Action and Outreach have combined to better assist the needy of our church and community.

The mission of the Outreach Board is to invite the people in our neighborhood and community to come to Mount Olive Lutheran Church (MTOLC) and into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

As Christians and members of MTOLC it’s our responsibility to continually invite others to come and then to open our arms to them—allowing new people in by making room for them in our lives, to be part of the Body of Christ.  We host events out in our community as well as partnering with other groups in the community to share our message of love and hope.
We work on promoting MTOLC through E-Olive Branch, newspaper ads, worship visitor gifts and cards, banners and flyers, visitation, and servant-work projects in the community. 

As Social Action
We assist with payments for medical assistance, auto repairs, rent or utility expenses, heating, air condition emergencies, etc. All funds are provided by the congregation or fund raisers and are a restricted fund for use ONLY for emergencies like those listed above.

Our chairperson is Mike Flesher and you can reach him via phone at 928-855-3429 or email at:



Supporting Christian Ministry and resources we share helpful resources for our congregation. If you are considering Assisted living and want more resources please look into Assisted Living in Arizona.

They have a wide array of resources to help you make the right decisions